
Literary readings and Film screenings May 5, 7:00 pm Uncle Vanya Cafe 315 W 54th St, New York  

Written on Apr, 29 2016 03:48 Event's date: Thursday, May 5, 2016
StoSvet Press and the Russian-American Cultural Center cordially invite you to the presentation of the 16th issue of the journal StoSvet "Storony Sveta"

May 2016: Literary readings and Film screenings   StoSvet Press 10th anniversary Celebration Thursday,

May 5, 7:00 pm Uncle Vanya Cafe 315 W 54th St, New York, New York 10019 In Russian and English  

StoSvet Press and the Russian-American Cultural Center cordially invite you to the presentation of the 16th issue of the journal StoSvet "Storony Sveta" – and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the StoSvet project.  The event starting at 7 pm, the microphone turned on at 8 pm. Reading and conversation. The participants - authors of this issue from New York and Boston: poets and translators Gregory Starikovsky, Eugene Rakovich, Dana Golin, Michael Rabinovich, Marina Eskina, Anna Galitzine; Vadim Olshevski will read poetry by Rudolf Olshevski; Misha Semenov,  Evgeniy Serebrianiy - their prize winning translations of Tsvetaeva and Tarkovsky. Lilya Pann (her memories of Yuli Daniel - in this issue) will tell a little bit about the history of the text. There will be also artist Slava Polishchuk (do not miss his and Asya Dodin exhibition), Irina Mashinski, and - invisible from the Nizhnii, a member of the editorial board and author, Valery Khazin.  The StoSvet journals and books will be available for sale.

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Russian American Cultural Center

OUR MISSION The Russian American Cultural Center (RACC) provides permanent cultural representation to the more than 700,000 Russian-speaking residents in the New York City Metropolitan area. In addition to supporting cultural awareness and understanding of Russian-American emerging artists, Russian history and culture, the Russian American Cultural Center (RACC) aims to promote cultural exchange and cultural diversity among all of New York City’s cultural communities through shared experiences and mutual values. The Russian American Cultural Center (RACC) is a place where New York’s Russian-speaking immigrants may become culturally integrated into mainstream America, and where the American public may become more culturally aware and educated about Russian culture, history and art.

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