
Town Hall Meeting with Michael Grimm  

Written on Jan, 8 2018 21:15
Michael Grimm represented New York in the United States Congress from 2011 to 2015. Grimm launched a campaign for reelection to his old House seat in New York's 11th District in 2018

17 Января в 7рм в ресторане "Татьяна" состоится Town Hall Meeting с участием Майкла Гримма - представителя в Конгрессе США от New York's 11th Congressional District   в 2011 - 2015 гг.

The 11th district includes all of Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn, including the neighborhoods of Bay Ridge, Bath Beach, Dyker Heights, and Gravesend and parts of southern Bensonhurst.


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Contact: 646-270-5640; 347-254-5757

  •  Admission Free but Donations will be appreciated

 Checks payable to "Friends of Michael Grimm" Donations may only be made via personal checks or cards, no corporate contributions allowed You may also donate online at www.michaelgrimm2018.com


 "Tatiana" restaurant

3152 Brighton 6th St   Brooklyn NY 11235

 Entrance from Boardwalk

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Former Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) now launched a campaign for reelection to his old House seat in New York's 11th District

Michael Grimm represented New York in the U.S.Congress from 2011 to 2015 The 11th district includes all of Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn, including the neighborhoods of Bay Ridge, Bath Beach, Dyker Heights, and Gravesend and parts of southern Bensonhurst.


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