
Alissa Kossov: Artistic Director and Choreographer  

Written on Jul, 22 2021 19:46
Alissa Kossov was born and raised in Russia. From a very early age she has been involved with the world of professional ballet.
 Alissa Kossov was born and raised in Russia. From a very early age she has been involved with the world of professional ballet.
A graduate of the famous Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg, Alissa received some of the best training that the Russian ballet school has to offer.

Alissa is a founder of School of Classical Ballet, artistic director and choreographer. She successfully created several full ballet productions, such as "The Nutcracker", "Snow Queen", "Around the World", "Gala", "Paquita", and others.

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School of Classical Ballet by Alissa Kossov

Школа классического балета, расположенная в Вероне, штат Нью-Джерси, была основана в 1997 году Алиссой Коссовой. Наши преподаватели - профессиональные танцоры, но, самое главное, высококвалифицированные преподаватели, готовые поделиться своими знаниями и опытом со студентами. Это дает детям действительно всесторонний опыт, когда обучение и рост

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