
New York receives less than 16 percent of this federal funding despite being home to almost 40 percent of the nation's transit riders  

Written on Aug, 26 2018 23:16
The Washington political class has clearly failed us. At the top of this list is do-nothing Senator and Presidential wannabe Kirsten Gillibrand. Gillibrand is responsible for forcing New York's taxpayers to hand over $48 BILLION more in taxes to Washington each year than we get back. As a donor state consistently shortchanged on its appropriate mass transit funding, New York is being "railroaded" in more ways than one.
Dear Friend,
Did you know that according to an independent analysis of the federal Highway Trust Fund, New York receives less than 16 percent of this federal funding despite being home to almost 40 percent of the nation's transit riders? 
The Washington political class has clearly failed us. At the top of this list is do-nothing Senator and Presidential wannabe Kirsten Gillibrand. Gillibrand is responsible for forcing New York's taxpayers to hand over $48 BILLION more in taxes to Washington each year than we get back. As a donor state consistently shortchanged on its appropriate mass transit funding, New York is being "railroaded" in more ways than one.
Today I joined New York City Councilman Eric Ulrich to protest New York's funding disparity and restate my pledge to recover our $48 billion. New York's subway riders and commuters have had to endure one "Summer of Hell" after another. And, despite the worst on-time record of any major rapid-transit system in the world, now the Metropolitan Transportation Authority wants to hike fees again in 2019 and 2021.
Only within the tone-deaf walls of government are customers expected to pay more money for worse service. Thank you, Councilman Ulrich, for your leadership on this critical issue of funding fairness.
Join our movement today! To learn more about how I will Put New York First and work for you, and to read my campaign platform, please visit
To victory,
Chele Farley
Candidate for US Senate
P.S. Please forward this email to five friends so we can keep the momentum going and defeat Kirsten Gillibrand in November.

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Chele Farley is running for the United States Senate to provide every New York family with the opportunity to succeed.

To provide students from all backgrounds with the opportunity to receive an outstanding college education, Chele was the Co-Chair of the East Coast Advisory Board of Questbridge, which partners with 40 prestigious universities and has sent over 10,000 talented low-income students to these schools free of charge.


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